Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My job is to walk into many children’s minds and haunt them. Thousands of children’s minds. I’m excited that I will haunt my 10,000th child. This haunting will be bad, really bad. I want this kid to cry and cry until he can’t cry any more. He will scream and run to his parent’s room waking them. His parents will be so mad that he is waking them up in the middle of the night, again. Hopefully he will remember this dream for the rest of his life. He will cry about it when he is in his 40’s even when he is 100 years old. I want this kid to remember how bad I made him feel and he will remember the day, the time, the sweat on his forehead, the tears on his face, and the clothes he was wearing.

I will start the night mare at midnight. It will be on Halloween and I will have one week to plan it. Almost every parent tells their children that dreams only last 5 seconds. If I could actually talk to humans I would tell them that they are stupid. My record for the longest nightmare was five hours and I still can’t believe that the kid stayed a sleep the whole time. Even though it is sad to most people to see kids cry, I love it. It makes me happy and excited.

I’m ready and I have planned for one week. My boss gave me the address of all the bad kids who need a night mare. We are only supposed to scare bad kids but for my 10,000th scare I want to for once scare a good kid. I flip to the last page of the book where it says in capital letters NO MATTER WHAT, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL YOU SCARE THESE CHILDREN. Under this list it had all the children in the world that never did anything ever wrong. There were only about 50 kids on the list which is a surprise to me. I would think there is only 1 or 2 kids. Randomly I pick a child’s name and it turned out to be Jamal Jones.

After flying 100 miles I got to his house and I flew through his wall. His room smelled like a person had died in his room. By the way I have seen that. Anyhow, I looked on his floor and it looked liked the bottom was miles away and it turns out it was covered in clothes but I did not care. All I was thinking about was freaking the heck out of this kid. At first I thought this kid was six or seven years old but he was around 15 years old which excited me greatly. I flew up to him and I am struck with this great wind which I am used to but this was a blast. The worst part of that is it smelled like something rotting, rotting everything. It was terrible. I cannot even explain it was as if he lived in a bathroom and never flushed his toilet EVER. Instantly I threw up in my mouth, I swallow it, and got to the side of his bed. I looked over and saw some random kid on his floor. I saw his trash can with vomit in it. Now I am mad. I flew over to him and held my breath. Try to fly straight through his ear I get stopped because his ear is filled with ear wax. I pushed though it and I wanted this kid to scream. Next I flew into his brain and got into the nightmare section. Most humans don’t know but there really is a night mare section in the human brain. Finally I walk in and was about to start. My plan was about to start and I was filled with excitement and anticipation. Oh my gosh I just remembered that he has a friend next to his bed. When I scare Jamal so strongly, he will likely pee from the dream and it will get all over the friend. YES. Okay I’m ready.

I walk in and start and this is how it went.

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