Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Point of view

The story SPY! Is told third person and is explaining what all of the people are doing. It is told like someone watching it on TV. There are not many main characters but it does not really matter. At the start of the book it is clear that it is being told by a narrator. On page one it says "The boy, Jonah, wished it could happen at night, or at least in the evening, when he might have stayed unnoticed in the shadows, but he was forced to hunker low behind the rock wall." It says the boy and it says he a lot saying that it is being told as if someone was watching it.

The whole story would be different if it was being told by the young boy Jonah who was watching the hanging take place or if it was told by the man who was hung. The story starts at the end the tell show the hanging happened.

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