Monday, December 12, 2011

Cause and effect

In the story SPY! One of the main conflicts is the teacher getting hung. The teacher getting hung affects many people. The school that he teaches at now does not have a teacher since he is dead. His family is broken up since he is dead and they are all depressed. All of the people in the community are now sad since he died. The Brittan’s have scared everyone in the city and have “sent” a mental warning to not mess with them. If the teacher would have not turned into a traitor he would not be dead.

There is another part of the book were the second main characters dad died. He did not have a mother and now that his dad is dead he has to live with someone else. He is sent to a king’s house and has a massive house upgrade. Before he lived with his dad and sister in a small shack and now he is living in a mansion. If his dad would have not died he would still be living in a terrible house and would not have very much food to eat. This cause and effect is different from the man getting hung. With the man getting hung everyone around him is sad and hurt but with the boy it was second hand and it affected him but in a good way. It was bad at first then changed to a good thing.

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