Friday, December 9, 2011

Midnight Mystery

It is 10 pm in the house of adder when a crack of lighting strikes the houses window. The window shattered and glass flew all over the room. An old woman screams and runs to look at the window. She steps on all of the glass cutting open her feet. She screams I pain waking her husband. Her husband runs over to her also cutting open her feet with the glass. He falls on top of her crushing her left arm. She pushes the man off of her and runs to the window. Then she turns to her husband and tells him that she can't take the pain. She jumped through the widow and hit the ground at 50 mph. She was instantly killed since she jumped from a 25 story house. The old man stands up and runs out of the room to alert his family. A house alarm sounded that meant that there was an emergency. The buzzer stood for that everyone should meet in the living room.

"Okay is everyone here?"asked the old man "There should be 57 people here not including me."

After the old man gathered his family he sat down on his big fluffy old arm chair. When he set down a big cloud of smoke puffed out of the back of the chair. The old man coughed but he was used to it.

"I have all brought you her at 11 pm for some bad news that happened up my bedroom 15 minutes ago." Said the man. "My wife, Marge, jumped out of our window and died instantly."

Right when the man finished talking a big bolt of lighting struck and the whole houses power went off. The people were screaming but no one was hurt. For now.

When the emergency lights came on it was clear that a crime has happened. A long spike was through the old mans head and he was dead. The people screamed and ran over to see if he was okay. On the tip of the spike there was a note tied tightly with an old piece of string. A woman pulled it off and read it out loud.

"Hello everyone." said the woman reading the note. "I am the spirit of Marge Luccasson. I have came to say that all of you will die some time tonight. If you believe this please step to the right side of the room. If you do not please step to the left side of the room."

Ten people were standing on the left side of the room and the other 47 were standing on the left side. A loud crack of lightning went off and all ten of the people on the right side had long spikes through their heads. Each spike had a note on it that said the same thing.

"Hello again." said the same woman who read the note the first time. "If these people were still alive I would tell them to not always listen to me."

Everyone in the room ran to the kitchen to get away from the 11 dead people. When they got into the kitchen there was twelve knives on the table. A big note was hanging from ceiling that said KILL in big bold letters. Two men picked up all of the knives and walked them over to the garbage can behind the big wooden door they opened the door and walked down the stairs to the big garbage can. There was a flash of lighting and the two men were shot up into the room and were laying alive on the floor. They stood up and looked around. At the same time there eyes closed. The people in the room were looking around at each other trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Again at the same time there eyes opened but this time there eyes were bright red. Both of them opened their mouths and two long metal hands shot out of their mouths grabbing three people per metal hand. Knives shot out of there mouths killing all of them but two. Then both men fell to the ground dead releasing everyone. The two live men stumbled to their feet and ran to the others. At once all of the alive people ran up the stairs screaming.

A note was at the top of the stairs that said "Ha, ha you guys are done for. You all ran up stairs. Why would you do that? Have you watched the horror movies? Nothing good happens to the people that run up stairs."

A metal door slams down and everyone up stairs passes out. When they wake up there is a not that says "There are only 30 of you left. Your other friends have… let's just say left the world."

They all ran to the windows.

"We have to jump." said a man.

"I agree let's do it." replied a woman.

15 of them jumped out of the widow and we killed on impact. The rest of them wanted to survive. A circle was made with one man in the middle making all of the rules. A lightning blot went off and the power again went off. When the power came back on the man found all 14 people standing around him with long spikes through their heads. The man screams like a little girl and runs to the door. When he touched the door he got an immense shock that made him pass out. When he hit the floor his head cracked open and he bled to death.

"Ha Ha Ha that is what all of you get for not coming out and checking if I was okay." said a crazy voice from the basement o f the house. "I hope If this happens to any of you, that you will take charge at the beginning and not take charge at the end. Or learn from you mistakes and when lighting goes off to duck. Oh well I am off to haunt thousands. Oh wait and isn't it ironic that all of this happened at midnight. Weird."

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