Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sheila dies

“Good morning to this terrible, terrible day in America. Thousands have died and it all started like this.”

It was an April morning and a man woke you his wife in the spike of dawn.

“Are you crazy? It’s four o’clock in the morning!” Yelled Sheila. “Why the heck would you wake me up this early in the morning? Get out of my house.”

The husband furious stormed out of the house breaking the door. Completely thrilled, Sheila pulled out her phone to share the news. She wrote “Finally my stupid husband is out of the house. Do you think that he will come back? Hopefully not.”

Sheila’s husband ran out of the house and down the street. He ran into a police officer and was knocked on the ground. He started swearing uncontrobly and started attacking the police officer. The police officer was killed but got a sos call in on his walkie talkie. Right away thousands of police officers were after him. Then he quickly crossed to the other side of the street, hoping they would not notice him. After crossing the street he broke into a police car and started driving.

“I’m going to win and kill you all.” Shouted the man over the police speakers.

He started driving at 100 miles an hour. He hit a large building and there was a crash, like that of a window breaking, woke me with a start. Screaming in her sleep Sheila woke up. She was screaming so loud that it woke everyone in her apartment. She ran out the door and ran in to a tall man who she liked.

She looked up at the man and realized that it was the man that she looked. The woman thought “Oh, he’s wonderful…. I just wish he knew I existed. Oh wait now he knows I exist since I just ran into him. Yes.” The woman started running in joy and hit a window. The window was very cheap since she was in an old hotel. The window broke and she fell 500 stories to her death. Blood splattered everywhere and everyone around the impact area was drenched in blood.

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