Monday, December 19, 2011

Compare SPY! and Glass castle

The main character Jonah from the book SPY! By Anna Myers is a very similar character of the girl from the book Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. One of the biggest similarity is that they are both really poor. The two stories even one being historical fiction and one being non fiction have many things in common that the two authors did not even know about.

A big similarity in the two stories is that both of the kids really want to go to school. They beg and beg their parents to let them go to school but they never will let them. In both cases they find ways to go to school. Jeannette walks miles to get to school and Jonah also walks one mile to get to school. Both kids love being in school and do not take it for granted. Most people today do not care at all about going to school and wish for the days to be over but Jeannette and Jonah wish for the school days to not be over.

Another big similarity is that they both want to do something with their lives. Both kids don't like there families appreciation of money. Jeannette's dad drinks and never stops and her mom never come out of her bed room to see her kids. Her mother is a hoarder and hates going out side and her family is always struggling with money. Jeannette wants to get a job and never wants to worry about money. Jonah is pretty much the same. He want to go to get away from his parents and live in a nice house. His dad is always struggling with money and he also never wants to worry about it.

One of the biggest differences between the two is that Jonahs parents eventually are both dead. In the glass castle her parents are not dead but are never around. Her parents are never there to care for them but she keeps a positive attitude and does not let that bring her down. Jonahs parents die and it takes him a while to recover and even goes to the extent of finding a new family. Jonah can't live with out his parents and Jeannette just goes with the flow and does not really care.

At the end both books are similar in a very weird way and the authors did not even know about it. Even though there are some differences like family life there are some big similarities. The two books had great similarities and differences even thought it was never meant to be.

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