Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who is Katniss

Authors note: This is a Character Description piece on Katniss from the "Hunger Games".

Katniss is not the average 16 year old. She has to take care of her unstable family including her mom and little sister. Hunting, stealing, and rummaging in garbage cans is the only way to find food. Although she is over protective of her sister she still finds ways to do things for herself. She is a petite brunet who struggles through life but never complains and always has a good attitude.

Katniss is the mom and dad of her family since her mom runs away when anything goes wrong and her dad is dead. Feeding her family is her top priority. She saves her sister from going into the countries arena to fight to the death by volunteering to fight instead of her. After she wins the games but faking that she was in love with her fellow competitor she becomes the top person in her district. She loves hunting and hates having to be always hungry.

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