Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Langston Huges. AKA inspiring writer.

Authors note: This piece is a response to the poem “Mother to son” by Langston Hughes. It analyzes the figurative language that he used.

Langston Hughes tries to get across to the reader that he is angry and sad that his life has been difficult. He does this by writing fiction story by in an angry woman's voice since he is angry about her bad life. The reader fells inspired and encouraged by the woman’s words to her son. Hughes has great figurative language in the piece. In the story he writes “Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.” Since life is not a crystal stair you can tell that it is a metaphor since it says something as if it was something else. This is talking about how the woman’s life was not perfect and if her son does not have a perfect life she wants him to fight through it just like she did and in the end it will probably be okay.

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