Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Fascinating Ending of “The Giver”

Authors note: This is a play prediction piece to show what I thought could happen at the end of the book “The Giver”. The purpose is to end an unfinished story and to get my predicting up

Man one
Man two
Woman one

The Camera pans up to the hill and stops showing Jonas and Gabriel flying down the snowy hill. Then the camera stops when the sled gets to the bottom of the hill showing the joy and thrill in Jonas eyes. Slowly the camera flies to a city one mile away showing homes and fires. After one minute showing the city the camera flies back to Jonas and shows him and his brother walking.

Jonas: Gabriel were almost there hang in there buddy.

The Camera shows them trudging through the snow with snowing hitting them in the face.

Jonas: Gabriel can you see the light? We’re almost there. Can you imagine being able to have food whenever we want and we never have to take pills.

Finally the camera stops and Jonas falls into the snow. He gets back up and starts to walk down the hill to the city.

Man one: Hey do you see that up on the hill?

Man two: Is that a boy?

Woman one: Someone get blankets.

The camera shows the people of the city running up to the boys and trying to comfort him. Woman one takes Gabriel and runs him into her house.

Woman one: its okay honey you will be okay.

Gabriel starts to cry and in the distance a man runs by carrying Jonas to the hospital.

Man one: Buddy what’s your name.

Jonas: (struggling says) Jonas.

Man one: Okay Jonas you will be okay where did you come from?

Jonas: I really don’t know

Man one whispers to doctor: He’s from the city that can’t see any color.

Doctor: How do you know?

Man one: Because of his cloths and when I was a kid I did the same thing as him.

The camera flies out of the city and flies fast over to the city that Jonas came from. It shows a building on fire and people running around in chaos. Women are screaming and children are crying. A helicopter flies over the city and sees the community in chaos. The helicopter was from the city that Jonas just found. Then the camera flies to an aerial shot of both cities and the screen goes black and the credits come on.

I felt like this could happen because the receiver and the giver keep the community together and without them the city would go into chaos. The reason I stopped in a cliff hanger is because people could talk about and have discussion to see what happens after that. It would be the good and bad side of the earth for the cities.
Jonas at the start of the book always talked about escaping his city. After being the receiver and finding out they had to kill his little brother he finally tried to escape and be the odd one out. I thought he was really brave to escape since no one has ever done it before. Just saying that he wanted to escape showed his bravery.

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