Friday, February 10, 2012


In the story “The Giver” there is a quote from The Giver that is said to Jonas. The Giver says “But I have another place to go. When my work here is finished, I want to be with my daughter.” This quote has many different meanings that could be possible for him to say that.

The first thing I thought when I read this is that he had a daughter that he wanted to go home to. Jonas was a lot like me that he thought that he had a daughter as well. Jonas says to the giver. “I didn’t know you had a daughter, Giver! You told me that you’d had a spouse. But I never knew about your daughter.” Also after I read this I was a little confused because in the start of the book The Giver says that he could not have children because it would be hard for them to see him since he can’t leave the room that he stays in. This is only one of three reasons I think he said the quote.

Right after I thought of the first purpose for him saying this I thought of another logical idea. In the story it then says The Giver smiled, and nodded. For the first time in their long months together, Jonas saw him look truly happy. “Her name was Rosemary,” The Giver Said. When I read this it was really confusing at first because it did not make any sense. This part of the story really test your
knowledge of the book because if you were paying attention you would have realized that Rosemary was the girl who was picked to be The Receiver ten years ago but asked to be released. I then started to realize that The Giver was talking about asking to be released to “see” his daughter in heaven. After he talked about wanting to see Rosemary Jonas changed and he realized that he should run away to let all the people in the city to be able to see color and have emotions. A big question that I had was “Was Rosemary really his daughter?”

The Giver saying that his “daughter” is Rosemary can mean many different things. The first thought that comes to mind is that Rosemary is really his daughter. Then I thought to myself if that would be too obvious so I started thinking. I then thought that he called her is child because they only knew each other for such little time and that he really liked her. Rosemary could have also been the closest thing to The Giver that he has every lost so he calls her his daughter.

The Quote “But I have another place to go. When my work here is finished, I want to be with my daughter.” Has or could have many different meanings. The real meaning is what the reader things it means. It could mean so many different things but in the end it all turns out that The Giver wants to see his “daughter” in heaven.

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