Monday, January 23, 2012


Author’s note: This is a prediction piece on the story “The Schwa Was Here” I would like feedback if I need to add more description or loosen it up a little.

What would you do if you met a person that could make himself invisible? Then imagine that you and your invisible friend get dared by a bully from school to go into an apartment and get a dog bowl and both you and your friend get caught by Crawley, the old man that lives there. The book “The Schwa Was Here” by Neal Shusterman so far has been a great story explaining that you should not do crazy things just because someone dared you to do it.

After meeting an invisible boy and being dared to go into old man Crawley’s apartment to get a dog bowl, Anthony and the Schwa, who is invisible, get forced to be the old man’s slaves. Crawley later falls in his shower and breaks his hip and needs to go to the hospital. Against his will he goes to the hospital and forces Anthony to go with him.

I predict that by the end of the book Crawley will turn out being really nice to Anthony after all the mean things he did. As well as Anthony running the restaurant that is currently owned by Crawley. Lexis, who is blind, and is being fought over by Anthony and the Schwa will end up dating Anthony. Last I think that Crawley will move into Assisted living instead of living in an un-safe home with 14 dogs.

Even though Crawley is a terrible man and Anthony is so innocent “The Schwa Was Here” by Neal Shusterman was a great book explaining the importance of thinking before you act.

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