Thursday, January 26, 2012

Character analyses "Thank You Ma'am

Authors note: This is a character analyses of Roger from the short story "Thank You Ma'am." I would like feed back If I need to add more detail or take some of it away.

What would you do if someone tried to rob you at eleven o'clock at night? You would probably not take the robber home and feed him. The short story "Thank You Ma'am" by Langston Hughes explains to think before you act and try to earn money the good way by not robbing.

Roger, who was the robber, was a very interesting character. At first he starts of as a tough mean robber who want to steal an innocent woman's purse. After being caught the woman drags him by his shirt to her house. Right now Roger is scared and does not want to be hurt or sent to jail. When they get to the woman's house she tells Roger to wash his face and get ready for dinner. He looks at the door and is thinking about running away but does not. Quote from the story "The door was open. He could make a dash for it down the hall. He could run, run, run, run, run!" Then before they eat roger tells the woman that he wanted blue suede shoes. The woman says, quote from the story, "Well, you didn’t have to snatch my pocketbook to get some suede shoes," said Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. "You could of asked me."At the end the woman gives roger ten dollars to get the shoes. He is then led out side and says thank you and goodbye.

Even though Roger was a very interesting character who changed over the course of the story may or may not fall into crime again. Roger learned that he should try to get money the good way by finding a job and not stealing.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Author’s note: This is a prediction piece on the story “The Schwa Was Here” I would like feedback if I need to add more description or loosen it up a little.

What would you do if you met a person that could make himself invisible? Then imagine that you and your invisible friend get dared by a bully from school to go into an apartment and get a dog bowl and both you and your friend get caught by Crawley, the old man that lives there. The book “The Schwa Was Here” by Neal Shusterman so far has been a great story explaining that you should not do crazy things just because someone dared you to do it.

After meeting an invisible boy and being dared to go into old man Crawley’s apartment to get a dog bowl, Anthony and the Schwa, who is invisible, get forced to be the old man’s slaves. Crawley later falls in his shower and breaks his hip and needs to go to the hospital. Against his will he goes to the hospital and forces Anthony to go with him.

I predict that by the end of the book Crawley will turn out being really nice to Anthony after all the mean things he did. As well as Anthony running the restaurant that is currently owned by Crawley. Lexis, who is blind, and is being fought over by Anthony and the Schwa will end up dating Anthony. Last I think that Crawley will move into Assisted living instead of living in an un-safe home with 14 dogs.

Even though Crawley is a terrible man and Anthony is so innocent “The Schwa Was Here” by Neal Shusterman was a great book explaining the importance of thinking before you act.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dead Man's path.

Authors note: This is a retelling of the short story dead Man's Path. I would like feed back on if I should add more detail or make it more bland.

The story "Dead Man's Path" was a story about a man Michael Obi who becomes head master at the school that he works at. Obi walked out side and realizes a path in the forest. He then decides to block the path so people can't use it anymore. Then Michael goes to the village priest and asks him for his opinion. The priest says that he should re open the path. A woman in the village dies so the villagers destroy the school thinking that it is his fault. Michael then gets a bad evaluation since the villagers destroyed the school so he gets fired.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Japanese Rice

Author's note: This was a very interesting conversation that we had at my aunts house the day after Christmas. I would like feedback on if you think rice from Japan makes sushi better.

With the house still smelling like Christmas from the night before my cousins boyfriend sits high in his chair ready to speak. He says with confidence "Did you know that rice from Japan can't be exported to America? It's illegal."

Looking at each other and trying to figure out why he just decided to tell us this my mom said "What?"

In an even more confidence response he says "Yup. The FDA will not allow it in our country and that is what makes sushi from Japan so good."

My other cousin Elyse says in a snotty voice "Have you even had sushi and what does the FDA have anything to do with that?" Without giving him a chance to speak she asks my dad if he new a difference. Since my dad has been to Japan with work over 5 time he has had the sushi.

In a calm voice that my dad always talks in he say "Rice is rice isn't it?"

My mom then says right after "wouldn't it be the quality of the fish and the freshness."

In an I hate this guy my cousin Elyse rolled her eyes.