Thursday, March 29, 2012

Similar and Difference between "Big Yellow Taxi" and "Feild Bellow"

The song “Big Yellow Taxi” by Joni Mitchell was about nature being destroyed by humans and technology. Then the song “Field Below” by Regina Spektor was also about nature being destroyed but instead talking about a city being built and having no sunlight.

The tone in both songs when reading the lyrics is sorrow, anger, and sadness and the mood is regretful and anger. When the music was played it was all changed. “Big Yellow taxi” was happy and cheerful like she was happy that the city was built but sad at the same time. People listing would think she was happy not angry or sad. “Field Below” was more of what people think when reading the lyrics which are sadness and regret. I don’t like how the singer of “Big Yellow Taxi” sang the song because she was too happy and the song was to fast when the other song was slow and sad. I would have liked “Big Yellow Taxi” to be more serious. It was as if the song was a joke I could not take that song seriously.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Why is the Cinnimon Challange so Hard?

Authors note: This is a research piece on the Cinnamon Challenge and why it is so hard.

What would you do if your child tried the cinnamon challenge and either died or was hospitalized? To make it worse they did it because it was a dare. The cinnamon challenge is very dangerous and people need to know the dangers of the challenge.

This challenge has been around since 2001 but became popular in 2007. The cinnamon challenge is a challenge where a person must eat or swallow a tablespoon full of ground cinnamon in less than 60 seconds without drinking anything. Sounds easy right? Well it is not easy at all. There are many reasons that the challenge is so hard and the reason is the cinnamon it’s self.

Cinnamon has a moderately toxic substance called coumarin which can damage the liver. European Health agencies have warned against consuming large amounts of cinnamon. Usually the result of the challenge is coughing, gagging, gasping for air, and even vomiting. Most people think of cinnamon is a sweet southing spice because it is on apple pies and cinnamon buns but that is because it is mixed with lots of sugar. Cinnamon is what makes candies hot like Atomic Fireballs, Hot Tamales, cinnamon gum, and Red Hots. Even though the cinnamon is so hot there are also dangers.

Inhaling the cinnamon can lead to inflammation of the lungs or scarring of the lungs. According to Dejah Reed spent four days in the hospital with an infection and a collapsed right lung after she ingested cinnamon. You are probably wondering why it is so hard.

The reason it is so hard is because the cinnamon acts like a sponge socking up all of the salvia in your mouth and therefore expanding in size. It dries out your mouth making it nearly impossible to swallow. Drinking water makes it even worse because the cinnamon soaks up the water and turns into a mud like substance that can lead to choking.

Thousands of people do the cinnamon challenge every year. If people knew about all the dangers no one would want to put their life on the line. Even though many people are okay after the challenge would, you want to be the one that is not okay?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fast forward through “Hunger Games”

Authors note: This is a retelling piece on the story "The Hunger Games."

Katniss has to go into an arena to fight to the death because of a tradition of her country. To win she has to fight off 23 other kids. Then she falls in love with the boy from her district in the arena.

Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm sorry Ricky

I have stole the bullet
That was in the store
So I could show you
That yours was fake

And which
You were probably wanting
For your war collection

Forgive me
I wanted to be right
So you could be wrong
so I stole the fake bullet.

This is the part of the story when Bobby stole the fake bullet from the gift shop because Ricky claimed that he had found a really bullet from the war many years ago so it is Bobby half apologizing to Ricky. This poem is in Bobby’s point of view and he is saying it to Ricky. The tone is that he is feeling sorry but not really sorry because he is talking how he just wanted to prove him wrong. The mood is sorrow and anger because Ricky is still mad even though he left the note.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Langston Huges. AKA inspiring writer.

Authors note: This piece is a response to the poem “Mother to son” by Langston Hughes. It analyzes the figurative language that he used.

Langston Hughes tries to get across to the reader that he is angry and sad that his life has been difficult. He does this by writing fiction story by in an angry woman's voice since he is angry about her bad life. The reader fells inspired and encouraged by the woman’s words to her son. Hughes has great figurative language in the piece. In the story he writes “Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.” Since life is not a crystal stair you can tell that it is a metaphor since it says something as if it was something else. This is talking about how the woman’s life was not perfect and if her son does not have a perfect life she wants him to fight through it just like she did and in the end it will probably be okay.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Who is Katniss? (With Fig. Language)

Authors note: This is a revised Character Description about Katniss for the book "The Hunger Games." It has added Fig. Language and it is trying to get a score it Word Choice.

Katniss is not the average 16 year old. She has to take care of her unstable family including her mom and little sister as if they were little babies. Hunting, hunting, hunting is what mostly goes through her mind as well as stealing, and rummaging in garbage cans for food. She is so hungry she could eat a horse. Although she is over protective of her sister she still finds ways to do things for herself. She is petite brunet who struggles through life but never complains and always has a good attitude. Her brown hair pours over her shoulders stopping mid back.

Katniss is the mom and dad of her family since her mom runs away when anything goes wrong and her dad is dead. They have so little food it is as if the food walks away and Katniss has to chase after it. When her small innocent sister was picked to kill 23 other kids and possible dying her self Katniss volunteers to go into the countries arena to fight to the death. After she wins the games but faking that she liked her fellow competitor she becomes famous in her district. She loves hunting like Billy Dixon and hates having to be always hungry.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who is Katniss

Authors note: This is a Character Description piece on Katniss from the "Hunger Games".

Katniss is not the average 16 year old. She has to take care of her unstable family including her mom and little sister. Hunting, stealing, and rummaging in garbage cans is the only way to find food. Although she is over protective of her sister she still finds ways to do things for herself. She is a petite brunet who struggles through life but never complains and always has a good attitude.

Katniss is the mom and dad of her family since her mom runs away when anything goes wrong and her dad is dead. Feeding her family is her top priority. She saves her sister from going into the countries arena to fight to the death by volunteering to fight instead of her. After she wins the games but faking that she was in love with her fellow competitor she becomes the top person in her district. She loves hunting and hates having to be always hungry.