Friday, May 18, 2012

Senseless Violense

What are the symbols in the story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson? If you look into the text finding the symbols can be very easy. “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is a great short story that tests the reader if they can find the true meaning of the story using symbols.
“Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones.”This is very important thing to start the story with because it says the irony that will eventually take place later in the story. The rocks symbolize death and torture because later they stone a normal woman because she won the town’s lottery. “Mrs. Delacroix selected a stone so large she had to pick it up with both hands and turned to Mrs. Dunbar.” The big rock that she picked up was very important. The woman who threw the rock was friends with the woman who was getting stoned and she wanted to kill her quick and easy. The big rock meant friendship and humanity.
Most things in this story were black like the black box that held the lottery tickets and the black dot that meant whoever holding the black dot ticket would be stoned. The black box symbolized death, tradition, and unwillingness to change. The black spotted ticket meant death and curse. Black overall symbolizes evil and death. The lottery its self meant tradition.
It is very easy to miss symbolism in a story but Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery” really showed that you should look for symbolism to understand a story. Even though the story was an Irony and someone died at the end it is a great story showing that you should think outside the box.  

Friday, May 11, 2012

Un Washed

I am as dirty as an un washed window. Oh wait that's why I have a sigh on me that says wash me. So if you do not know me I will tell you about me. Okay so I am the back window of Zach Galifianakis's limo. I am the only original window left on his car. The rest were smashed out by his stupid friends. At least I am not the water bottle holder. Oh my gosh where should I start. He is always gross and sticky. Zach took the limo threw the forest last night and now I'm extremely dirty. This guy put this sigh on me this morning and now I can’t even see anything. Oh wait here comes a guy holding something in his hand. Yes it looks like a hose. He is getting closer. BANG and I'm broken. Some of me is in the car some of me is still in the window holder thing and some of me is on the ground. I see the man clearly now and he is taking things from the inside of the car. I hear Zach come out of his house and he is yelling at him to go away. This time I don't think it was his stupid friends. Zach is on the phone with someone who I think is the police. Five minutes latter there is a cop car in his drive way and a woman is picking me up with some kind of sucker thing. She walks me over to a can and throws me in. So now I'm in the garbage and Zach has no original car windows.

Viruses Are All Around US.

Did you know that there are more than 5,000 viruses know to man that can be described in detail and more than a million different types of viruses still being discovered and researched? It is very important to know what a virus is and how they can affect the body so if you get sick you know how to stay safe. 

What is a virus? A virus is an infective microscopic organism that lives in anything alive that can only reproduce in the living host (virus). They are not alive (virus). Viruses could be in humans, plants, or animals (virus). The virus stays in the cells of the body or plant (virus). The virus can grow and reproduce until it is killed or destroyed (virus).  

Knowing what a virus is can help in the process of learning how viruses affect organisms. According to  “First the virus attaches to a specific host cell. Then the virus’s hereditary material enters the host cell. Next the virus’s hereditary material causes the cell to make viral hereditary material and proteins. After that, new viruses form inside of the host cell. Last new viruses are released as the host cell bursts open and is destroyed” (Glencoe/McGraw-Hiee)

It is very important to know how viruses affect organisms so people can know how different viruses affect the human body. Viruses that attack the body after getting in cells can cause some pretty bad sicknesses (Staff). Meningitis is the swelling of the thin layer of tissue covering the brain and spinal cord from an infection (Staff). The symptoms of meningitis are headache, fever, and a stiff neck (Staff). This can happen to anyone (Staff). This virus can be deadly if it is not treated right away (Staff).   

Meningitis is a very scary virus but so is the Mumps. Mumps is a disease made by a virus that spreads through spit that can infect many parts in the human body mostly the Salivary Glands (Foundation). When you have Mumps your glands get swollen and become very painful (Foundation). The swollen glands make it difficult for people who have the mumps to open their mouth, talk, eat, and drink (Foundation). When a person has the mumps it gives them the appearance of a hamster, making the infection pretty easy to recognize (Foundation). The mumps can be deadly if not treated immediately (Foundation)

Knowing about viruses and how they affect your body is very important if you want to stay safe while being sick. There are hundreds of viruses known to man and many to learn about. If people know about viruses it will help find new viruses and keep people safer.


Foundation, The Nemours. "Mumps ." April 2009. KidsHealth . 19 April 2012 <>.

Glencoe/McGraw-Hiee. "Viruses." McGraw-Hill, Glencoe. Life Science: Life's Structure and Function (Book A). Glencoe/McGraw-Hil, 2008. 54-57.

Staff, Mayo Clinic. Meningitis . 29 April 2011. 18 April 2012 <>.

"virus." 2012. Merriam - Webster . 17 April 2012 <>.