Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mean on the Out Side Soft on the Inside

Ben Rogers was a mean boy. He would often make fun of a boy named Tom Sawyer when Tom had to work on white washing his fence. Ben went swimming while Tom worked. He would pick on Tom and call him names for having to work.
Tom was mad at Ben for being mean to him. He heard about an award show in which a neighborhood kid was going to win an award called Person Everyone Want to Be. In the afternoon Tom called his friend Sam knowing her mom was on the Award Show Voting committee. He asked her to rig the voting to have John Overran win. She secretly liked Ben a lot so she liked the idea to rig the voting but to have Ben win instead. Sam lied and said that she had to go because it took a long time to rig the votes. Tom fell in to the trap and believed him and hung up.
Right after Sam hung up with Tom she called Ben and told him that Tom want her to rig the votes. Ben asked her what she did and Sam told him that she was going to have John win. She did not want to tell Ben that she liked him so she lied. He instantly hung up and is last words were “I hate you.”
Later that week Tom, Ben, and Sam were at the award show. They were all sitting at the same table not speaking to each other. When it was time for Sam’s mom to present the Award for the Person Everyone Wants to Be the crowd went silent. She said “thank you all for coming to the 20th annual Awards show. The grand prize winner of $600 and the smashing trophy goes to……. BEN RODGERS.” Tom gave a dirty look to Sam and dashed out of the building slamming the door closed. The whole crowd turned to see what was happening. Sam smiled at Ben. She told Ben to go outside so she could set up a surprise. When Ben got outside he ran over to Tom. Tom asked him what he was doing there and Ben told him that he wanted to split his prize with him. Tom asked him why he was giving him some of his prize. Ben told him that he realized how mean he was to him and that he has changed forever. Tom rejected the money and told him to keep it and that he forgave him.
The next day Ben went over to Tom’s house and asked him if he wanted to play baseball and Tom said yes he would want to play. Tom offered Ben one of his gloves but Ben told him that he already had his lucky glove. When they got to the baseball diamond they played a nine inning game winning 27 to four. After that they decided to make a baseball team winning every game for two years straight.

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