Friday, January 7, 2011

Blind man

“Bonjour, vieilami”(Hello my old friend). “Avance, mon ami”(Go ahead , my friend). Pierre would say every day to his white horse Joseph. Alongside with Pierre’s horse Joseph they would go delivering milk day after day. If anyone in the world would think that a man with cataracts would wake up every morning at 5:00 to go deliver milk could not succeed. Pierre does and breaks that belief. The short story “A Secret for Two” by Quentin Reynolds was a great story explaining that comedy does not always have to make you laugh it can also make you feel down.
Pierre Dupin an old man that has been delivering milk for 30 years grew a great bond between himself and his horse Joseph and when all the sudden his horse dies his whole life comes to an end….Literally. “Why a blind man could handle my route with Joseph pulling the wagon” Pierre would say.
“A Secret for Two” reminds me of stories on the news about people get hooked to a pet and when their pet dies they die shortly after because of being so depressed. The short story also reminds me of other stories about people who have a weird profession but the person that does the job loves their career and they stick with it even though everyone else thinks it’s a stupid occupation.
I enjoyed this story because it was entertaining and I wanted to keep reading. “A Secret for Two” by Quentin Reynolds was a great short story explaining that people in the world should never get to close to their pet and never judge a person by their look on the outside.

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