Monday, June 4, 2012

The Explosion

The army squad 774 was in Afghanistan trying to detonate IED's  down one of the common walking roads for the locals. One of the Afghan police said that he saw a man putting something in the ground late last night and waited until the morning to contact the American soldiers. The American Soldiers went out early this morning  to detonate the bomb so none of the locals would hit the bomb. One of the US soldiers said that he saw an orange wire but thought nothing about it. They kept driving down the road when they got to the spot that was said to have the IED. The high tech vehicle sent a high tech robot with over five cameras attached to look at the spot where the IED was. When it got to the end of the road it stopped do the soldiers could see the ground and tell if there was a bomb or not. A man on a camel was said to be riding down the street towards the US soldiers. When the camel touched the area where the bomb was supposed to be it exploded it a huge fire ball of red and orange fire. The man is unknown due to the massive fire ball. The IED was said to have a trip wire and when the camel walked across the wire the IED went off.