Thursday, September 29, 2011

Under The Dome

Chaos Under The Dome

Dear Dale “Barbie” Barbara,

I know that you always liked me and that you were hiding it. We certainly went through a lot together and I will always consider you a great friend. Junior was and evil man and I feel sorry for that poor girl that he killed Angie McCain. I remember when the dome came down on our city. All the cars that were hitting the dome and when that helicopter hit the dome I knew something was very wrong. I remember where I was. I was in my living room and I heard the loudest boom I had ever heard. I sprinted to my window and saw a HUGE fire ball. After the month of terror I went back to college to be a language arts teacher and we learned about this triangle thing that explains a book and how the scenes go. I’m going to try to use it on a real life situation and not a book and I’m going to do it on our crazy month together.

It all starts off with the exposition which is the characters, settings, point of view, and conflicts. The characters in our case were me, you, Junior, Angie, Rusty, Big Jim, and all the other people in the city under the dome. The setting, at the time, was peaceful like a normal city and at the end it was not peaceful anymore. The point of view was from the various characters and there were many conflicts as some people were trying to control the city and others were just trying to survive.

Then we have the rising action which in our case would be when all the people are crashing into the dome and killing each other like when Junior killed Angie. The rising action is all the things that lead up to the climax. The climax is “the point of no return” which means that after it happens there is no turning back and nothing will be the same. That month was a tricky one to explain because at first I thought that it was going to be all the people dying but then I remembered then I thought it was when we discovered the little plate that we touch that gave us that weird vision of the alien people. I remembered that when we saw that vision we could not leave everyone to die which would be the climax because we could not turn back and leave it be. You were so brave when you talked to the aliens and I’m thankful you made me talk to them too.

The falling action is next which everything that happens before the problem is resolved. On that month our falling action is the barn that exploded and sent fire throughout the dome. I remember that that explosion was even bigger than the helicopter explosion.

The last step is the resolution which is when everything is finally fixed which in our case it would be when you told me to talk to the aliens. Thank god you told me to talk to her because after a while she lifted the dome. I remember that feeling of cool air. It felt so good. I remember that we ran into the grass field and rolled around in the grass. The smell of that air, wow, I can still remember it. I’m actually tearing up right now.

Thank you so much for making me a stronger woman on the inside and on the outside. So I have waited to tell you until now. I have made a reunion for the 26 of us who survived. So if you can make it write me a letter back. By the way it is on 5/14/2012.

Sincerely, Julia Shumway