Monday, November 15, 2010

A Man and Women

“A man and women were standing at the train station when all the sudden the train station exploded sending them flying hundreds of feet away. We believe the explosion happened from a Russian train that had been transported to America. Our detectives believe there was a time bomb underneath one of the seats and the seat number was 34 to be exact. So far there are no deaths and no one was on the train, back to you John.” The news reporter said. Blink.
”Wow I can’t believe someone would do that what if someone was killed.” explained Maxwell to his wife.
Ring, Ring, Ring.
“Hello” said Maxwell.
“A..Ya Hello Mr. Jones” Said a man named Rick. “We need you and your wife to come down to the seen of the explosion at n27.”
“Ya, Ya I know it is all over the news. Can’t you find any other detectives that can do this? It is my sons birthday he is turning eight.”
“No we can’t we called all the other detectives and they all can’t make it.”
“How about detective double o seven?”
“Detective four seven, seven?”
“On a date.”
“Detective 500?”
“Kids second birthday. And anyhow you have all ready celebrated eight of your child’s birthdays?”
“Do you have any kids? If you did you would understand.”
“I’m sorry sir if you and your wife don’t get her in 10 minutes both of you are fired.”
“Our house is 20 minutes away from the wreck. Mr. Jones”
“Oh well to bad.”
Beep, beep, beep.
“Let’s go honey we need to go now take John we need to go” explained Maxwell.
“Where are we going?” Asked Mr. Jones wife.
“We need to go to the train wreck and if we don’t were both fired.”
“With an eight year old boy.”
“…………….Okay let’s go”
10 minutes later
“How much time do we have left?” asked Mr. Jones.
“3 minutes” replied Mrs. Jones.
“Okay let’s go we have to hurry.”
“ I’ll get John.”
“I’ll get the car started.”
Slam, slam.
“Turn on your sirens”
“Honey I know.”
“Sorry I just don’t want to get fired.”
“We won’t get fired”
“Hey is that a Lada?”
“What’s a Lada?”
“A Russian car. They are really bad.”
“Their following us.”
“Yeah probably because we are undercover police officers. Unfortunately they are known to hurt people.”
“We will be okay we are almost there.”
“Okay well I’m trusting you.”
“One last thing I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“AH what was that.”
“John we will be okay.”
“They tried to kill us.”
“Okay we will be okay.”
“No we won’t.”
“Don’t be negative. Negative people always loose.”